Friday’s Fresh Five! (3/22/13)
Photo by Linnell Chang The breeze swirls around the daffodils and makes them nod their heads in unison. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” they seem to say with their up and down movement. For a moment I wonder, if the...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (3/29/13)
Photo by Linnell Chang The road goes on for miles. Bright jagged streaks of light float over it and define its path. On and on it goes, passing one fence post after another, until finally, in a fiery...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (4/5/13)
Don’t wait. Don’t wait for the right time. Don’t wait for the right time to figure things out. Don’t wait for the right time to figure out who you are and why you’re here. Don’t wait for the right...
View ArticleDIY Bookend: Upcycling Wine Corks and Discarded Bookend
My trash to treasure imagination came alive while I was checking out the status of my husband’s office remodel. “Office supply heaven,” I thought to myself as I walked around and looked through piles...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (4/19/13)
Peace Rose by Linnell Chang My high school photography teacher used to say that black and white photography was an art form that required a fair amount of skill, whereas, color photography required...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (4/26/13)
With his blue cape flipped up, Romeo is just a dog wearing a “cone of shame.” But, with the help of his creative mom, when he wears his blue cape flipped down, he becomes Super Dog — because that’s...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (5/3/13)
Photo by Linnell Chang There’s quite a buzz around the water cooler these days, except in this case the water cooler is a hummingbird feeder. With their fuzzy-looking baby feathers and miniscule...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (6/7/13)
What’s stuck to your stucco? Possibly, a lot more than you think. My stucco patio overhang has been a pit stop for praying mantises, dragon flies, pipevine swallowtail caterpillars and their...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (6/14/13)
The scent of gardenias wafts through an open window and lingers in the room. I inhale slowly and let the intoxicating fragrance permeate my soul. I feel drugged and I can no longer focus on the task...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (6/21/13)
High in the sky, the sun created a leafy shadow play for me as I sat under the verdant canopy of a Liquid Amber Tree. As the overlapping leaves moved with the breeze, dark and light patches of green...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (7/5/13)
Small tufts of hair sticking out over his eyes resemble the white bushy eyebrows of an old man. Only a thin isthmus of hair prevents two bald spots on his face from becoming one large one and deep...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/9/13)
The wanna-be artist in me was delighted when one of my nieces requested manga drawing materials for her birthday. Rather than spend money on a paper gift bag to hold her art supplies, I thought it...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/16/13)
Bzzzzzz-bzzzzzz-bzzzzzz . . . bzzzzzz-bzzzzzz-bzzzzzz . . . ah-choo! A large black bee darted quickly in and out of squash blossoms. If a bee could sneeze, I imagine this one would, because it was...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/23/13)
Through my camera lens, leaves and a stem frame a single yellow bloom. In fact, it’s the only blossom blooming on an old woody rose bush called The Pilgrim. Mother Nature did everything she could do...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/30/13)
If necessity is the mother of invention, then boredom is the second cousin of creativity. On a long drive home one night with my husband, I sat bored watching the dark scenery whiz by. But during one...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (9/13/13)
Acorns dangle from oak trees to kiss summer flowers goodbye. With the weather still summery warm, it’s hard to believe that in nine days, fall officially begins. My backyard reflects the coming...
View Article100 Scarves: Making T-Shirt Scarves for the Homeless
I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. Edward Everett Hale...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (10/25/13)
A white door at the top of the stairs rests slightly ajar and tempts a young woman to enter. The floor groans as she takes her first steps into the dusty room. As her eyes adjust to the dim light, she...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (11/15/13)
Rainbow lint covers every imaginable surface in my home. T-shirt scarves tagged and waiting to be bagged lie in yard-high heaps on my dining room table. 344 scarves to be exact, an amount that far...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (11/22/13)
Shorter days and cooler air send signals to leaves to change their colors. As their veins constrict, leaves gradually loose their dominant green coloration, unmasking inherent yellow and orange...
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